Thursday, March 19, 2009

Meet my first sponsor: Mr. Smith

OK. The realities of the job search have continued to dominate my waking moments this week, and I really haven't been able to do much to beat the drum for Y.E.S. and the Mass Snow Challenge. In fact, Wednesday when I checked, and saw $0 donations, I fully considered dropping the entire race and fundraising as too little, too late, and too many other priorities.

However, when I checked later in the day, someone had made a single donation. You know who you are, Mr. Smith! Even with just one donation, I was committed.

When you ask for help to do something that you think is worthwhile, you don't say "Oh, sorry, it isn't that important anymore" when someone else is holding up their end of the deal. At least that's how I felt about it.

As a result I've sent my emails, tweeted to my measly following, who will probably be shocked that I still have an account, and posted a notice and link on my Facebook wall. And in response there has been a small flurry of activity in donations, for which I am grateful.

I hope folks are passing the request for donations on, but who knows. There is really only another day, maybe two left for people to contribute. So, this may not become the opportunity to drive a lot of small gifts, leveraging social media, as I had originally envisioned. However, it was still worthwhile. Even through my own difficulties, I was able to more than triple what I would have contributed had I simply "shown up".

So, thank you Mr. Smith, for keeping me committed and engaged to do something worthwhile and outside of my own needs.


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